How To Get On Scandal Guestlist In 2021?
How To Get On Scandal Guestlist In 2021?
scandal guestlist

How To Get On Scandal Guestlist In 2021?

You can join Scandal events and parties located right in the heart of London. One of the hottest destinations for London’s nightlife. The nightclub is known as one of the most exclusive places in the capital, where you can only enter if you are on the  Scandal guestlist or Scandal table booking

With its incomparable and unique interior, excellent catering and bottle service, Scandal London offers the ultimate nightlife experience for all the party lovers. Doors open at 11 pm every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. They provide the most select music in the city, with in-house production and international skilled DJs ready to make you dance all night on the Hip-Hop and R&B rhythms. 


Standard Tables price starts from £1.5K. It can go from 2 to 10 guests. On the guestlist, it should be an equal number of men and women.

VIP Tables Price: Starts from £2K minimum spend, including up to 3 guests. While £3K VIP table can include up to 10 guests, mixed groups. 

people enjoying scandal guestlist booking
party at scandal


Night Clubs London offers table booking without additional payment.

Extra refreshments are not included in the price of the bottle, therefore everything you buy will be in your bill at the end of the night. 

You can either call text or use our WhatsApp and message us at +44 7983 236949. We will take care of your booking requests and we send the confirmation to your email.


At Scandal Club London, you should dress to impress! Get your best outfit, high heels, suit and elegant shoes and join us for one of a kind night! Once you arrive at the door, as the doorman is handpicking each guest, you should give your full name of the table booking and hope that you meet their expectations. 


If you get the entry through the VIP entry, you can skip the queue and our concierge will help you get to your table. However, we will be in touch with you throughout the night to give you the treatment you deserve.

scandal guestlist booking
scandal dress code
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